
Showing 32 articles

Five little ceramic bottles on a white shelf, from left to white yellow with tentacles, a pink nose, a white bottle with a mermaid on, a squishy venus figure and a blue bottle

Local / National / International: Hussain, Proudfoot and So

20.12.2024, by Natalie Russett

A close up of Camara's face while lying down, her hand over her shoulder

Tania Camara: As I Am Naturally

18.12.2024, by mandla

A close up of four swatches of overlaid printed fabric, clockwise from the top: a grey-blue-green swirly cloud like image; a dappled red-black-brown like a close-up on mince meat; bright yellow with flecks of white; deep and lighter green leaves on brown branches with red berries

Preserving Hole: Bláithín Mac Donnell, Aled Simons and Tom Cardew

26.09.2024, by Hilary White

A white woman with brown hair wearing black in a dark space filed with triangular shapes holds two glowing drum sticks as though mid stroke. She is looking down to the drums out of frame.

Mishka Henner: The Conductor

29.05.2024, by Jack Nicholls

A dark room with deep red bean bags in front of a large film screen which shows a man with white in his beard, semi-transparent laid over the image of a hill

To Mourn and To Remember: Memory Stone by Nikta Mohammadi

12.04.2024, by Jessica El Mal

A white walled gallery space lit up green, on the floor in the foreground stencils for lettering reading WE ARE ALL IN A CYCLE and to the left in the back a ladder, to the right a trolley with buckets of paint

Jo Lathwood: Making Up

07.02.2024, by Jazmine Linklater

A group of people milling about and chatting in an artists studio.

Paradise Works: Open Studios

05.12.2023, by Natalie Russett

Two young girls in faded red dresses practice dancing on the edge of a rock set against a black backdrop, whilst a floating head looks on.

Rachel Goodyear: Stirrings

08.06.2022, by Lucy Holt

An installation image of the exhibition; it shows two walls painted pink and green with pictures hung in straight lines.

You Belong Here: Artists Rediscovering Salford’s Green Spaces

19.12.2021, by Natalie Bradbury

The orange figure of a womxn sits atop a pink horse that has human feet. The pair are moving through a green landscape, with two cherries visible in the left foreground on the floor.

Katie Tomlinson: Fight the Moon

12.12.2021, by Matt Retallick


14.02.2021, by Natalie Bradbury

A dark place reminiscent of a cathedral with lots of small shapes of bright colour.

Peer to Peer: UK/HK – Online festivals as a gateway to intercultural exchange

13.11.2020, by Christie Yung-hei Chan

Collier Street Baths

10.02.2020, by Laura Biddle

Cinema Paradiso: Shorts Programme

12.01.2020, by Isabel Taube

Caustic Coastal x Corridor8

16.08.2019, by James Schofield

Furnished Archipelago

17.09.2018, by James Mathews-Hiskett

The Future Is Bright, The Past Is Colourful

19.08.2018, by Robbie di Vito

Nick Jordan – Mental State Signs at Paradise Works, Salford

Nick Jordan: Mental State Signs

19.06.2018, by Robbie di Vito

Beacons | Signs

02.05.2018, by Claire Walker

Tipping the Scales

27.03.2018, by Jordan Harrison-Twist

Beacons | Flare

01.03.2018, by Jordan Harrison-Twist

…into the labyrinth

11.01.2018, by Tom Emery

Politics of Paradise

17.11.2017, by Jacob Bolton

Not For Navigation, The International 3, Salford

15.12.2016, by Simon Marginson

Prima Donna

21.07.2016, by Claire Walker

Joe Fletcher Orr: Mummy’s Boy

27.04.2016, by Daniel McMillan

BRASS ART / Shadow Worlds | Writers’ Rooms – Freud’s House

14.10.2015, by Ashleigh Owen

The Whole Wide World

23.05.2015, by Tom Emery

Joe Fletcher Orr – Under The Thumb, The International 3, Salford


Paulette Terry Brien of the International 3


Maurice Carlin
