Posted 11.06.2017 by James Schofield in News
Corridor8 Writer-in-Residence at Castlefield Gallery: Iris Priest
In partnership with Corridor8 and
The International 3 and funded by Arts Council England,
Castlefield Gallery in Manchester is hosting an art writing residency for an early career writer during Spring – Summer 2017. This residency has been created to encourage critical and creative forms of art writing which connect contemporary art to wider issues and contexts. Successful applicant
Iris Priest will be developing new writing which creatively responds to Castlefield Gallery’s self-titled exhibition by artist
Andrew McDonald. Writing produced during the residency will feature in a publication alongside contributions by Ellen Mara De Wachter, Michael Birchall and Andrew McDonald, to be launched at Castlefield Gallery in September 2017.
Iris Priest is an artist and writer concerned with promoting and nurturing synergies between different disciplines; visual art, writing, philosophy, science, and education. Since graduating in 2008 from Cumbria Institute of the Arts she has worked as a freelance artist, writer and editor in Newcastle-upon-Tyne where she co-founded CANNED Magazine, ran the inter-studio crit group I like it, what is it? and helped to establish the online radio station Her writing has been published in a number of journals including a-n, garageland, thisistomorrow and Corridor8. Priest has also held the position of artist in residence at a number of organisations including Northumbria University, Solvik, Sweden and Stanwix School, Carlisle.
Iris Priest was in residence at Castlefield Gallery from 17 – 21 May, and 7 – 11 June 2017.