Showing 10 posts

An image of a garden at night. In the foreground plants and flowers, close up and blured. In the middle, offset to the left, a smooth white orb or ball. Behind it the rest of the garden, or landscape in silhouette against a blue night sky

Emotional weather and climates of change – the work of Aidan Moesby

29.05.2024, by Dave Pritchard

A large well lit gallery space. The wall in the background is covered in a repeat pattern wallpaper. There is an abstract picture on this wall. To the right are a series of unframed prints of repeating patterns, in different colours. In the foreground are a number of plinths with ceramics displayed.

Jacqueline Poncelet: In the Making

15.04.2024, by Michele Allen

Two stacks of publications on a grey plinth. The jackets read 'SOFT''

Fiona Larkin and Ian Giles: Soft Structures

26.11.2023, by Lesley Guy

A blue transporter bridge over a stretch of river in an industrial area.

People Powered: Stories from the River Tees

27.09.2023, by Steve Spithray

A blue cyanotype print with white silhouettes of figures- some stood in pairs and others individually.

Reflections of a curator in lockdown

04.06.2020, by Aidan Moesby

Why Are We Here? With Black Artists & Modernism

04.05.2020, by Sara Makari-Aghdam

Chance Finds Us Institute of Modern Art


Art and Optimism in 1950s Britain, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art
