Showing 17 posts

A white wall gallery space with three paintings, ones on left and right across four split canvases and the one in the middle smaller, all showing people in groups, at sea, in boats, obscured by lines and other marks on the surface of the images

Rebecca Scott: Small Boats & Family Matters

22.06.2024, by Anthony Ellis

A group of people of varying ages gathered in a public square or street in front of an old shop front

This is Nelson

05.06.2024, by Natalie Hughes

In a room with white walls and a blurred bookcase in the background, Amy is mid-sentence with a look of laughter on her face, holding an interview card that says TOPS on the back

Amy Pennington: TOPS

11.01.2024, by Sabine Sharp

A dark gallery space with low benches arranged in front of a large screen showing a film still with a view of mountains in low cloud

Shezad Dawood: Leviathan: From the Forest to the Sea

11.07.2023, by Ella Otomewo

In the centre of the space is a long black carpet with multicoloured patterns, and three clothed dressmaker's mannequins.

Late and Soon: A Conversation About Margaret Harrison and Conrad Atkinson

15.06.2023, by Lauren Velvick & Bernie Velvick

A gallery space full of people standing around the edges, some sitting on cushions on the floor. There are people of all ages and genders and colours. Everyone is applauding and smiling.

x3 presents Abundance

22.03.2023, by Laura Biddle

A discarded fridge freezer against a brick wall with a painted woman beside it and man's legs sticking out

Banksy and Freezing Out the Victim

18.02.2023, by Hayley Flynn

A low-lit gallery space with industrial looking structures

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley and Josèfa Ntjam

13.01.2023, by Claire Walker

A classical looking oil painting of white muscular, semi-clad figures acting out a scene from ancient mythology. One figure is wearing a golden frock and is holding a trident. The others are frolicking around in the sea. The figure with the wings on their head is flying, about to take a golden crown from the muscled man.

Chris Alton: Throughout the Fragment of Infinity That We Have Come to Know

25.03.2020, by Lesley Guy

209 Women at Open Eye Gallery

30.04.2019, by Claire Walker

Future Aleppo: a VR Experience at FACT

11.02.2018, by Callan Waldron-Hall


02.02.2018, by Steve Slack

‘Memories of the Space Age’ (2017) Katy Cole. Indicator, The NewBridge Project : Gateshead.


17.01.2018, by Andrea Allan

Black Blossoms at The Royal Standard: If We’re Going To Heal, Let It Be Glorious

27.09.2017, by Grace Edwards

La Movida

29.06.2017, by Claire Walker

A vinyl applied to a wall that reproduces the title of a book: 'Lsaw is a bottomless pit: or, the History of John Bull.'


27.06.2017, by Lisa-Marie Dickinson

Search History

03.05.2017, by Selina Oakes