Posted 26.06.2013 by Ashleigh Armitage in Events

Corridor8 at KALEID 2013 – July 19th – 20th

We are delighted to announce that the third edition of Corridor8 has been selected for the curated section at this year’s prestigious KALEID art-book fair which is being held at The Art Academy, London.

The Exhibition and fair will be open to the public for one day on 20th July.

Artist Victoria Browne founded KALEID Editions  in September 2009 to act as a platform for European-based artists and to produce and promote artists’ books. In July last year she launched ‘KALEID 2012’, a submission-based book fair dedicated to showcasing artists’ books, which continues in 2013.

Designed by Dust, the journal with its innovative DIY elastic-band binding and screen-printed board was one of 50 submissions from 200 to attract the judges’ attention. Entries came from artists across Europe, and were selected by an international high profile panel of judges – Sofie Dederen, Director, Frans Masereel Centrum for Print, Belgium, Elizabeth James, Senior Librarian for Artists’ Books, Word and & Image Department, National Art Library, V&A Museum, UK, and David Senior, Bibliographer, MoMA Library, USA.

Collectors —  KALEID 2013, which runs over the weekend of 19 and 20 July, is the second annual curated event, and will showcase the best of artists’ books to an international audience of collectors. Awards and acquisitions will be held on Friday 19th July, supported by The Art Academy, Frans Masereel Centrum, the British National Art Library and English Arts Council’s Saison Poetry Library.

Panel discussion —  There will be a panel discussion on Friday 19th July 2013, with guest speaker Ron King of the Circle Press, producer of artist’s editions of classic and contemporary texts, poetry posters, pamphlets and first edition books of modern verse from 1967-2002. The speaker will present a chronological history spanning forty years and will display the Circle Press archive to support artists selected for KALEID 2013 London.

Location and event —  The fair takes place at The Art Academy in London Bridge, close to White Cube, Jerwood Space and Tate Modern. Bookstands run by artists will be located on the ground floor (100sq m) and singular works, installations, digital media and performances will feature in the curated exhibition on the first floor. A participatory book arts demonstration will be facilitated in the print studio and the top floor will host the panel discussion, to seat fifty people during the private event.

Corridor8 looks forward to seeing you! Our staff from both Corridor8 and Dust will be present to talk to visitors attending the private launch on Friday the 19th July. The bound set will be on display both days, and orders for copies may be placed at the Fair.