View or download pdf here: https://corridor8.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/OpenTable_2_Collins_Gibson_Koster.pdf
A short collaborative publication, the second in a series of Open Table events at Castlefield Gallery; evenings of conversation that explore selected exhibitions from the 2022–2024 programme. Castlefield Gallery Associate Member Enya Koster was selected from an open call to develop a text-based response to the exhibition Archives At Play 2 (26 March 2023–4 June 2023), alongside invited artists and exhibition contributors, Grace Collins and George Gibson.
The exhibition is the second in a two-part series inviting artists to delve into Castlefield Gallery’s archive. Led by curator Thomas Dukes as part of a collaborative PhD between Castlefield Gallery and Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University, Archives at Play is a research project that seeks to activate the archive.
The events are curated by Laura Mansfield and texts published as pdfs in collaboration with Corridor8 and designer Ashleigh Armitage, part of a two-year collaboration. Commissions and publications are supported as part of a collaborative bursary programme.