Showing 7 posts

Interior, Rosanne Robertson, Field Study, The Auxiliary, Middlesbrough.

Field Study

04.09.2019, by Annie O'Donnell

METABOLON Hartlepool Art Gallery

METABOLON – Changing Perceptions Tour

15.03.2019, by Annie O'Donnell

Grand Opening (2019), Pineapple Black, Middlesbrough. Images: Stephen Irving.

Grand Opening

04.03.2019, by Annie O'Donnell

‘Memories of the Space Age’ (2017) Katy Cole. Indicator, The NewBridge Project : Gateshead.


17.01.2018, by Andrea Allan

Tony Charles: Unpainted

05.04.2017, by Annie O'Donnell

Alex Charrington, Push Me Pull You

11.07.2016, by Annie O'Donnell

A Sublime Confluence: Rick Copsey
