Natalie Hughes

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Showing 7 entries

four people sit on stage. Two people are in conversation with one another. The other two people are sign interpreters and translate the conversation facing an audience.

With For About: When Words Fail

28.01.2025, by Alexis Maxwell

A room lit with a pink-purple hue. A film is projected on the far wall. On the floor is an indistinct sculptural form.

Michelle Williams Gamaker: Our Mountains Are Painted on Glass & Dahong Hongxuan Wang: Role Model

25.06.2024, by Chantal Oakes

Installation shot. Bunting containing the words 'Trust Your Gut' hang in the foreground. In the background a knitted length of fabric striped orange, blue and yellow hangs on a wall.

The Town is The Gallery: This is Birkenhead

18.04.2024, by Josh Coates

An older man with a pale complexion, grey hair and glasses, holds a mirror under his chin. The man's face reflected upside-down, doubling his head

Walkie Talkie

03.03.2024, by Laura Harris

Uma Breakdown, Earth A.D. 2 (2023). Installation view

Uma Breakdown: Earth A.D. 2

16.12.2023, by Emeri Curd

Painting of a black dog roaming about a deserted street

Judging a Painting: John Moores Painting Prize 2023

02.11.2023, by Reece Griffiths

Fourteen people sit around a table. They all have texts (books, papers, phone screens) in front of them from which they are reading and discussing together. Behind them a cinema screen projects the words 'ARD Liverpool'.

A.Mal Projects present: ARD

25.09.2023, by Natalie Hughes