Showing 4 posts

A painting of a tent or white marquee surrounded by water.

A City That Welcomes Art: Three Sheffield artists reflect on winning major prizes

28.02.2020, by Orla Foster

A photograph of a group of women, all standing with their hands covering their mouths.

Chloƫ Brown: A Soft Rebellion in Paradise

16.06.2019, by Holly Grange

A view of a room with tables and chairs in the middle. Pinned to the walls are a variety of brightly coloured posters.

Poly-Technic: We Are Not An Island

28.09.2018, by Simon Boase

A person crouches in a gallery space to tend to a patch of soil with plants emerging from it.

Ways of Making: Markets, gardens and points of connection

07.03.2018, by Lucy Holt