Showing 3 posts

A large hangar like space with white walls and a light grey floor. In the foreground a box-like sculpture with plastic flames. Behind that a partially built circular wall and in the background a large inflatable pig laying on its side. On the wall to the right hundreds of small images displayed in a block.

Middlesbrough Art Week

06.12.2023, by Uma Breakdown

A gallery space with white walls and a wooden floor. Works can be seen hung on the walls. The seated audience look towards a person lay on the floor, reading, dressed in all grey.

In response to changing practice: New Writing with New Contemporaries

An insider report on Corridor8's collaboration with New Contemporaries, and the growing need to support artists working with language

18.09.2019, by Holly Grange

Shen Xin, Provocation of the Nightingale, BALTIC Artists' Award 2017

BALTIC Artists’ Award 2017

13.10.2017, by Liam McCabe