Showing 5 posts

A group of women and nonbinary people all in dark clothing of browns and greens stand uprights all facing forward, the person furthest left carries a baby who also faces us

Mikhail Karikis: Songs for the Storm to Come

24.01.2025, by Jack Nicholls

A red brick wall with two large screens showing letters like a word search and a futuristic scene of a street with a floating spaceship of gardens above.

TIDAL: Relax into 2050: Artfly

09.01.2024, by Michael Orr

Cover of The Lockdown Gazette, with blue background and colourful geometric shapes snaking across the page.

Reset or rewild: perspectives on future arts infrastructures

13.02.2021, by Dr. Susan Jones

What is the future? Reflections from Blackburn

21.05.2020, by Laura Brown

Liverpool, 2028: Six Alternate ‘Futures’

30.05.2019, by Ed Montana-Williams