Showing 1–36 of 81 posts

Three large otherworldly sculptures stand on geometric plinths in a gallery with dark carpeted floor. Behind them lay amorphous floor cushions in dark blue and green. The backdrop to the scene is a large corner projection showing the alien-like creatures depicted in the sculptures come to life in a familiar yet strange world.

Sahej Rahal: Mythmachine

30.01.2023, by Laura Clarke

Still from artist Rachel Maclean's work 'Im Terribly Sorry' showing women with giant mobile phones as heads.

Middlesbrough Art Weekender 2022

13.09.2022, by Annie O’Donnell

A series of bronze sculptures of elaborate Afro hairstyles for women mounted on short and colourful wooden sticks.

A Body on the Ground: an interview with Kedisha Coakley

29.04.2021, by Even Allen

Cover of The Lockdown Gazette, with blue background and colourful geometric shapes snaking across the page.

Reset or rewild: perspectives on future arts infrastructures

13.02.2021, by Dr. Susan Jones

White banner with red text reading 'UNDO THINGS DONE' installed on black railings over a red-brick wall.

Sean Edwards: Undo Things Done

02.02.2021, by Edward Haynes

Someone takes a photograph of a framed image of themself, their face distorted with silver bubbles before it.

True Voyage is Return: Augmented Empathy

30.10.2020, by Stephanie Gavan

Multicoloured hollow cylinders are arranged in the gallery, in two columns to the left and right, and in the foreground arranged separately on the floor on a pile of blue sand.

Jonathan Baldock: Facecrime

30.09.2020, by Kyle Nathan Brown

In a dark room a large screen shows a cgi rendered rhino in an empty white room. On the floor to the left in the dark space are two more monitors which show a graph and a heat map.

And Say the Animal Responded?

07.09.2020, by Denise Courcoux

A white background with dark, deep blue brushstrokes in a rough square. At the centre of the image are some lighter areas, where a window, floor and walls can be roughly made out. Tiny text is written in white over the blue.

Dwell Time: a moving picture of mental health

26.08.2020, by Joanna Jowett

A sculpture made of metal and feathers in the room of a historic house.

Kate MccGwire: Menagerie

31.07.2020, by Catriona McAra

A blue cyanotype print with white silhouettes of figures- some stood in pairs and others individually.

Reflections of a curator in lockdown

04.06.2020, by Aidan Moesby

Why Are We Here? With Black Artists & Modernism

04.05.2020, by Sara Makari-Aghdam

A classical looking oil painting of white muscular, semi-clad figures acting out a scene from ancient mythology. One figure is wearing a golden frock and is holding a trident. The others are frolicking around in the sea. The figure with the wings on their head is flying, about to take a golden crown from the muscled man.

Chris Alton: Throughout the Fragment of Infinity That We Have Come to Know

25.03.2020, by Lesley Guy

A person's face wrapped in a face mask and bandages, with their hair covered by a cap. Two hands hold either side of their face to massage it.

Taus Makhacheva: Hold Your Horses

16.03.2020, by Pamela Crowe

A painting of a tent or white marquee surrounded by water.

A City That Welcomes Art: Three Sheffield artists reflect on winning major prizes

28.02.2020, by Orla Foster

A gallery space with several TV screens showing artist films. Benches can be seen in the background.

Empathic viewing in Mieke Bal’s Don Quichotte: Sad Countenances

28.02.2020, by Jaroslava Tomanova

A collection of bags and items of furniture, arranged in a collage style. Small human figurines are included in the assemblage, interacting with the different forms and shapes of the objects.

Paula Chambers: Shoplifting in Woolworths and Other Acts of Material Disobedience

25.02.2020, by Jay Drinkall

A still from a film, showing the screen of a computer. The internet browser on screen resembles pornography sites in its format. The video shows a person lying flat on their back, they seem to be restrained with brown parcel tape.

Collecting the act of collecting in Harlan Whittingham’s films

12.01.2020, by Jaroslava Tomanova

Two colourful paintings hanging side by side in a gallery.

Slow Painting

22.12.2019, by Derek Horton

A sculpture made up of a painting on plywood, with gold leaf, and a tree branch resting in front of it.

Beyond Surface – Painting for Dark Times: The Contemporary British Painting Prize and Mandy Payne: Out of Time

20.12.2019, by Emma Bolland

A black and white photgraph of a boggy river running through an woodland framed field.

Nii Obodai: Of Natural Magic 

07.12.2019, by Jay Drinkall

A series of white abstract and geometric sculptures in a white gallery space.

Edward Allington: Things Unsaid 

29.11.2019, by Tessa Norton

Two people embrace bending over the hood of a car. Balanced on the hood are cups and drinks.

Christopher Nunn – Borderland: Stories from Donbas

28.11.2019, by Daniel Potts

The Dirt I’m Made Of: Two Interviews about OUTPUT Gallery

27.10.2019, by Callan Waldron-Hall

A person with brown hair wearing a white shirt stands in front of a painting in shades of black, purple and grey.

A new gallery for Leeds. BLANK_ opens with Rhian Cooke: Divide by Two

17.10.2019, by Abi Mitchell

A black and white photograph of the construction of huge white domes that look like golf balls.

Michael Mulvihill’s The Unblinking Eye: 55 Years of Space Operations on Fylingdales Moor

17.10.2019, by Lara Eggleton

Photograph of a gallery, including a sculpture on wheels, a screen showing a film and artworks hung on the walls.

Ecstatic Rituals

05.10.2019, by Richard Hudson-Miles

A person stands in a gallery looking at an installation. The light is orange and the work features projections and repeated patterns.

Footnotes on Equality

02.10.2019, by Paul Drury-Bradey

A view of an artwork in a gallery. It is a large wall hanging or mural, made from fabric. The background is shiny gold, and it features shapes that look like legs and bodies.

Frances Disley: The Cucumber Fell in the Sand

30.09.2019, by Tessa Norton

A view of a gallery with white walls and floor. Several sculptures are visible in the frame, made up of everyday objects.

Alex Farrar: Fall, slump, drop on a bedside cabinet in water […]

26.09.2019, by Jessica Piette

An image of a sculpture on a brown background. The work is made of ceramic and metal, and looks like a natural object such as coral or the growth of branches.

What is the Matter? Materials, Commodities, Narratives

22.09.2019, by Orla Foster

A person in a black tshirt stands with their arms raised up. Another person is seated in front of them. They appear to be in a concert hall or perhaps a place of worship.

Ashley Holmes and R.I.P. Germain: Double 6

17.09.2019, by Super BLACK: Omari Swanston-Jeffers

Two people stand inside a large inflatable artwork in shades of yellow and pink.

Michael Shaw: INF23

16.09.2019, by Karen Tobias-Green

A fabric banner held up by a black woman on a beach. The banner is orange and reads 'be at the hand of might'

Yorkshire Sculpture International at the Henry Moore Institute

09.09.2019, by Pamela Crowe

A person standing against a plain background. They are wearing a huge turquoise costume and mask, which extends their shape to appear like an arrowhead.

How to be a Dyslexic Artist & Other Stories

30.08.2019, by Daniel Potts